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Chicken en Cocotte with Apricots, Saffron and Tarragon

4 Servings

1 hour 35 minutes 15 minutes active

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Tender and mild chicken gets a big savory-sweet flavor boost when accompanied by dried apricots and silky braised shallots. Saffron threads give the sauce a golden hue and a slightly minerally, subtly floral flavor and aroma. Serve the chicken with couscous, egg noodles or rice pilaf.




Don't use unsulphured dried apricots. Their brown color will make the dish appear drab and dull. Use regular dried apricots instead.

1 hour 35 minutes

15 minutes active


  • 4-4½

    pound whole chicken, wings tucked and legs tied

  • Kosher salt and ground black pepper


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Kate L.
December 18, 2023
chicken en cocotte variations
I have made chicken en cocotte as explained by 177Milkstreet many, many times. I especially like apricots in the mix. I often add fennel. This is a recipe that can be adapted many ways using various aromatics and vegetables and fruits. I always use 1 1/2 cup white wine after sautéing the onions and garlic. . .then it's open season for the other additions!!!
Kate L.
July 15, 2023
Chicken en cocotte
I have amended this recipe enumerable times. I made it exactly as written then I took off and made it several ways. . . .always keeping with the basic instructions--ie, oven temp, and wine. My latest adaption is artichoke hearts and fennel. . .. .soooo good. I always use whole lemons. . .garlic and onions. I adapt this in many ways. It is a recipe that has endless possibilities. I love it.
Bernadette K.
March 20, 2023
Delicious roasted chicken with apricots, saffron and tarragon
Moist, delicious, incredibly tasty! Nicely browned chick on a roasted chicken is great, but not when the meat is dry. I've been roasting chicken in my big flat round Staub with glass lid and I will never roast a chicken any other way.
Anne W.

Decadent flavors. I tried this substituting boneless thighs and legs for the whole chicken and cutting the recipe in half. I cooked covered in the oven for only 14 minutes. Overall, it worked but I'll need to tweak the salt and portions a bit more next time if I make substitutions. The garlic was my favorite part! I had leftover spaetzle to go with it and it paired nicely.