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French Carrot Salad

6 Servings

20 minutes

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The food processor was the fastest and easiest way to shred carrots for this recipe. We also liked the meatier shreds it produces, though a box grater works fine, too. We kept this salad simple, but versions with toasted nuts or chopped dried fruit also were delicious. No tarragon? Use 1½ teaspoons chopped fresh thyme instead.




Don’t use old bagged carrots. This salad is all about the earthy, sweet carrot flavor.

20 minutes



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Janice K.
January 16, 2024
Fantastic recipe
My husband went back for seconds. We loved this recipe.
Laura F.
February 11, 2023
The best carrot salad ever!
This is the first recipe I attempted when I bought the first Milk St. Cookbook. Being intimidated by the unfamiliar flavors in the book, this one looked like a safe first try! It was so good it has become a favorite. I use plenty of fresh thyme and make it a day ahead. I love the crisp crunch and burst of clean wetness from the dressing in each bite. Only trouble is finding white balsamic vinegar at local stores.
Stephen B.
February 9, 2023
French carrot salad
Making it again , and that is a memory from about 4 years ago, so hoping I can make it taste as well as I did the first time.
Diana L.
June 27, 2022
Pretty good
I did not enjoy shredding so many carrots, but it tasted so good. I would definitely make this again. Very light. A perfect summer salad. I did not put 1/8 tsp of cayenne but just a pinch as my kid wont eat it if its too hot.
Becky W.
May 28, 2022
I've made this several times and everyone likes it, even the kids! My husband misses this salad from his time in France and he says it's perfect!