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Peperoncini and Cheese Pizzas with Garlic-Herb Oil

2 10-inch oval pizzas

30 minutes

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10-inch oval pizzas

30 minutes


  • 2

    cups lightly packed fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves

  • ½

    cup chopped fresh chives

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Alison B.
May 13, 2024
Loved this
I loved this pizza as I love peperoncinis, but it might not be for everyone. I think I would use less peperoncini next time. I used a bit of mozzarella in addition to the fontina and parmesan. The herb oil was fantastic, and the best part of the pizza. I could drizzle that on just about anything. I didn’t have enough parsley, so I threw in some cilantro and it was delicious. Will be making this pizza again for sure.
Bianca T.

Loved the oil! Made a vegan version with tofu ricotta in place of fontina. Yum!

Adam B.

Needs another creamy element, maybe consider adding nuts in the pesto. Missing something as is. Could definitely increase cheese.

Jon S.

My reading comprehension on this one was a bit off, I'm thinking, esp. after looking at the pic again. I ended up using all of the oil, which was A LOT. That said, we kind of dug it and it felt a bit more responsible, I suppose, with all of the herbs (1 clamshell dill, 2 chives). Next time I'm going w/ 1 1/2 t. salt in the oil and 3/4 c. peperoncini. Loved all of the flavor, but the combo made it a bit caustic.