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Miso Soup with Shiitake Mushrooms and Poached Eggs

4 Servings

35 minutes

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The backbone of this simple vegetarian soup is a quick and easy broth made with nothing more than water, red miso, garlic and tomato paste. Fresh shiitake mushrooms, silken tofu and runny-yolked poached eggs add full flavor and satisfying richness. You can use any type of cooked white rice, but make sure it is warmed before portioning so it doesn't cool the soup. Shichimi togarashi is a fragrant Japanese spice blend. Sprinkled onto soups and broths, it adds a touch of piquancy and chili heat; look for it sold in small jars in the Asian aisle of the supermarket.




Don't use white miso; its flavor is too mild for this soup. Also, don't use dried shiitake mushrooms. We much preferred the taste and texture of fresh. Finally, don't bring the water to a full boil when poaching the eggs. The gentle simmer allows the eggs to retain their shape.

35 minutes


  • 4

    medium garlic cloves, smashed and peeled

  • 2

    tablespoons tomato paste


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Danita B.
January 17, 2024
Perfect cold weather pick me up
I'm not normally a big miso soup fan, but this recipe makes me change my opinion on it! Very comforting and soothing on a cold day, perfectly savoury even without any meat. I also like adding in some rough chopped greens for extra goodness. This time used mustard greens. The egg is a must! Could also do a lightly fried egg if you didn't want to do poached. Drizzled a little toasted sesame oil over my serving today.
Christine C.
January 17, 2023
This soup is beyond delicious!!!!
The only thing I changed was the poached egg to a 6 minute hard boiled egg but otherwise the same. This recipe is so good, we added to our weekly rotation for dinners!!!
Jonathan W.
February 19, 2023
Easy and delicious. Wanted to make use of some Kale in my fridge so when I reheated the next day I added chopped kale and it was still good