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Vietnamese Chicken Salad with Sweet Lime-Garlic Dressing (Goi Gà)

6 Servings

15 minutes

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This refreshing salad is a symphony of tastes, colors and textures. Fish sauce, known as nuoc mam in Vietnam, gives the dressing savory, umami-rich underpinnings, while lime juice, sugar and garlic punch up the flavors. The jalapeños add moderate spiciness; if you prefer mild heat, seed the jalapeños before slicing them. Store-bought rotisserie chicken makes this salad simple to prepare; a small to average-size bird yields about 3 cups of shredded meat. The finished salad can be covered and refrigerated up to an hour.




Don't tear the basil too far in advance or it will discolor. When preparing the herbs, leave them on the large side. Bigger pieces punctuate the salad with color, flavor and texture. Marinating the sliced onion in the dressing for about 10 minutes tames its raw bite, so don’t skip this step.

15 minutes


  • cup lime juice, plus lime wedges, to serve

  • tablespoons fish sauce


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Stephanie K.
May 18, 2024
Delicious and perfect for summer or a light meal
My family and I thoroughly enjoyed this recipe as a light dinner, all on its own. The flavors are a great balance of salty, sweet, sour, spice and herbaceousness. The crunchy, crispy texture of the fresh veggies and peanuts is immensely satisfying. We were thrilled to find so much flavor and substance in a salad with no oil. This one is a keeper, and will be on repeat all summer long.
MIchael H.
May 16, 2024
Great weeknight meal
I made nearly as written...cut back to 2 jalapeno peppers, and I had boneless skinless chicken breasts on hand so I threw them in the sous vide and then shredded when they were cooked. Fantastic amount of flavor and super healthy.
Zoe N.
March 19, 2024
So refreshing and delicious!
This recipe has the best balance of sweet, spicy, and sour. It's loaded with veggies and herbs and I love the chicken to add some protein. We had extra chicken and ended up using all of it, and I liked the ratio, so consider using more chicken to taste. Yum!
Kristin A.
February 3, 2024
Amazing flavors
This was everything. Flavors were so fresh and I didn't want to stop eating! Added sliced baby cucumbers.
Craig R.
January 15, 2024
I made this recipe, only deviation that I made was that I only had boneless chicken breasts on hand, so I grilled them over some pecan wood after a 20 min marinade that I use (garlic, white vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme). It came out amazing, the chicken added a slightly smokey flavor that blended in well. AND it is pretty on the plate!
Siri N.

I disagree completely with the last comment - the fish sauce is perfectly balanced by the lime and sugar and this is delicious. Spicy and refreshing. I'm hoping it works as a leftover. I separated the chicken out, to avoid it getting mushy in the lime, and mixed the rest of the ingredients together, except I'll add the herbs fresh to each portion. I look forward to eating this again and agin.