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Maple–Browned Butter Pie

1 9-inch pie

3 hours 45 minutes active, plus cooling

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This dessert is the creation of Briana Holt of Tandem Coffee + Bakery in Portland, Maine. The nutty flavor and flaky, yet sturdy texture of the whole-wheat pastry perfectly complement the browned butteriness and silkiness of the custard filling. We recommend using the darkest maple syrup you can find so the smoky maple notes hold their own amidst the butter, eggs and cream. A sprinkle of flaky sea salt just before serving balances the filling's sweetness and adds a pleasing crunch that contrasts the smoothness, but this flourish is purely optional. The pie can be covered with plastic wrap and refrigerated for up to two days; bring to room temperature before serving.


9-inch pie


Don’t skip or skimp on the pie weights when prebaking the crust; they're essential for preventing the dough from shrinking, slipping and bubbling. We highly recommend using metal or ceramic pie weights. Unlike dried beans and rice, two common pie-weight stand-ins, both metal and ceramic conduct heat well, which aids with browning, and their heft holds the dough in place as it bakes. Also, don't forget to lower the oven temperature to 325°F after placing the prebaked crust on a wire rack.

3 hours

45 minutes active, plus cooling

For the crust:

  • 98

    grams (¾ cup) all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting


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Krystal D.
November 23, 2023
Made this for Thanksgiving this year and this was such an upgrade from the typical pumpkin pie. My crust was a little tough to cut through with a fork - I think I may not have blind baked it quite long enough. Filling was 10/10- be sure to add the flaky salt to really make this a show stopper.
Elaine K.
November 23, 2022
Maple Browned butter pie
A new must make for Thanksgiving! Easy to make. Don't plan on left overs!
James H.

Not sure where I went wrong but crust came out very tough. Could have under/over mixed or under/over cooked. Filling terrific.

Lindsay B.

I had the same problem. I’m going to give it another go because it was otherwise so delicious. I’m not an experienced baker and there’ were a few points in the process where I think I committed some crust crimes.

Heather G.

I also had the same problem a very tough crust. Not sure why. The filling is delicious though.

R B.

Wasn’t going to join any cooking show anything. But, tonight I learned how to make good hummus!!! I had stopped making or buying it cause it was so bad. So, ya got me!!!

Alison K.

This was delicious but my filling had a grainy texture. Any idea where I went wrong?

Lynn C.

Hi Alison -

The most common cause is overcooking the eggs. If you didn't let the butter mixture cool long enough and whisked in the eggs it's possible the eggs got too hot and began to coagulate. The same can happen if you overbake the pie itself. As the eggs are heated, they begin to contract. If they get hot enough they will begin to separate into curds and give the filling that grainy texture.

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